How Much Does It Cost to Live in South Carolina? A Comprehensive Guide to Expenses and Affordability.

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Moving to a new place often comes with the question, “Just how much will it cost to live there?” You may be surprised to learn that life in South Carolina is approximately 6% cheaper than the national average.

This article provides detailed insights on expenditures like housing, utilities, food and more, making your move or budget recalibration less daunting. Ready for a deep dive into South Carolina living expenses? Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of living in South Carolina is approximately 6% cheaper than the national average.
  • Housing costs in South Carolina are affordable, with a 19% lower expense compared to the national average.
  • Utility expenses are slightly higher than the national average, but overall, South Carolina offers an attractive cost of living compared to other states.
  • Food prices are relatively affordable in South Carolina, making it easier for residents to stick to their food budget.
  • Transportation expenses in South Carolina are relatively affordable, with lower car ownership costs and gas prices below the national average.
  • Taxes in South Carolina are relatively low, including property taxes and a state sales tax rate of 6%, contributing to the overall affordability of living in the state.

Cost of Living in South Carolina

Housing costs, utility expenses, food budget, transportation expenses, and taxes are all important factors to consider when determining the cost of living in South Carolina.

Housing Costs

South Carolina boasts affordable housing costs, contributing greatly to the overall low cost of living in the state. Compared to the national average, homeowners enjoy a 19% lower expense outlay in this region.

Potential home-buyers can find comfort knowing that they will encounter relatively low median home prices when choosing South Carolina as their place of residence. Even for those who opt to rent rather than purchase a property, they face an average monthly rental fee of $1,373 which is significantly reasonable compared with many other states.

Safe neighborhoods and diverse property types further enhance the attractiveness of housing affordability in South Carolina.

Utility Expenses

Utility expenses in South Carolina can have an impact on the overall cost of living. While the state’s cost of living is 6% below the national average, utilities in South Carolina are slightly higher than the national average by 8%.

This means that residents may need to budget a bit more for their electricity, water, and gas bills. It’s important to keep these costs in mind when calculating your monthly expenses and determining your specific costs of living in South Carolina.

However, despite this slight increase in utility expenses, South Carolina still offers an attractive cost of living compared to other states, especially when it comes to housing and food affordability.

Food Budget

The cost of food in South Carolina is relatively affordable compared to the national average. Groceries are priced lower, making it easier for residents to stick to their food budget.

With a variety of supermarkets and local farmers’ markets available, individuals can find fresh produce and ingredients at reasonable prices. By planning meals ahead and opting for home-cooked options, residents can effectively manage their monthly food expenses while still enjoying delicious and nutritious meals.

Transportation Expenses

Transportation expenses in South Carolina are relatively affordable compared to other states. The cost of owning and maintaining a car is lower than the national average, making it easier on the wallet for residents.

Gas prices in South Carolina also tend to be lower than the national average, which helps keep commuting costs down. Additionally, public transportation options such as buses and light rail are available in some cities, providing an alternative for those who prefer not to drive or want to save on gas expenses.

Overall, transportation expenses in South Carolina offer good value for money, allowing residents to get around without breaking the bank.


The tax burden in South Carolina is relatively low compared to the national average. Residents enjoy lower property taxes, with the average effective property tax rate being 0.57% of a home’s value.

Additionally, South Carolina has a progressive income tax system, meaning that higher-income earners pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes than lower-income individuals.

The state sales tax rate is 6%, which is also below the national average. Overall, South Carolina offers a favorable tax environment for cost-conscious buyers looking to make their money go further.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Living in South Carolina

The cost of living in South Carolina can vary depending on several factors such as the local economy, city/neighborhood variations, and individual lifestyle choices.

Local Economy

The local economy plays a significant role in determining the cost of living in South Carolina. With the overall cost of living being 6% lower than the national average, it reflects the state’s affordability.

The housing costs are particularly affordable, with homes priced below the national average by 19%. While utilities are slightly higher than the national average, South Carolina offers low grocery prices and attractive healthcare costs.

These factors contribute to making South Carolina an appealing choice for individuals and families looking for an affordable place to live.

City/Neighborhood Variations

City and neighborhood variations can significantly impact the cost of living in South Carolina. While the overall cost of living in the state is lower than the national average, certain areas may be more or less affordable than others.

For example, cities like Charleston and Hilton Head tend to have higher housing costs compared to smaller towns like Greenville or Rock Hill. Additionally, urban areas may have higher transportation expenses due to increased traffic and limited public transportation options.

It’s essential for cost-conscious buyers to consider these variations when determining where to live in South Carolina.

Lifestyle Choices

Your lifestyle choices can greatly impact your cost of living in South Carolina. By making conscious decisions about how you spend your money, you can either save or incur additional expenses.

For instance, opting for a more extravagant lifestyle with frequent dining out and entertainment activities will increase your monthly budget significantly. On the other hand, adopting a more frugal approach by cooking at home and finding free or low-cost recreational options can help you reduce expenses and live within your means.

Whether it’s choosing to live in an affordable neighborhood, driving a fuel-efficient vehicle, or prioritizing health and wellness to minimize healthcare costs, the choices you make will ultimately shape your overall cost of living in South Carolina.

Calculating the Cost of Living in South Carolina

To calculate the cost of living in South Carolina, start by looking at average costs in different categories such as housing, utilities, food, and transportation. Then determine your specific costs based on your lifestyle choices and adjust for personal preferences.

Average Costs in Different Categories

South Carolina presents an appealing budget for many due to the lower than average costs in different categories. Here are some of the average costs that you could expect to encounter in various categories:

Category Average Cost
Housing The median home price is lower than the national average, and the average monthly rent is $1,373. This makes the cost of housing in South Carolina 19% lower than the national average.
Utilities Though utilities in South Carolina are comparatively higher, sitting at about 8% above the national average.
Food In terms of groceries, South Carolina is known for its low prices, adding to its overall affordability.
Transportation Transportation costs in South Carolina can vary depending on the area, but are generally more affordable when compared with other states.
Taxes The tax structure in South Carolina also contributes to the lower cost of living, with a state tax rate of 6% which is on par with the national average.

These average cost figures can be a helpful guide for individuals or families considering South Carolina as their future home. However, it’s important to remember that exact costs will vary depending on a variety of individual circumstances and lifestyle choices.

How to Determine Your Specific Costs

Calculating your specific costs in South Carolina is essential for budgeting and planning. Here are some steps to help you determine your expenses:

  1. Begin with the basics: Start by listing your fixed monthly expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and transportation costs.
  2. Break down variable expenses: Identify the categories where your spending fluctuates, like food, entertainment, and healthcare. Estimate an average monthly cost for each category based on your past spending habits.
  3. Consider lifestyle choices: If you have specific lifestyle preferences or hobbies that require additional funding, allocate a portion of your budget accordingly.
  4. Compare prices: Research local prices for groceries, healthcare services, and other essentials to get an idea of what you can expect to pay in South Carolina.
  5. Adjust for personal preferences: Everyone’s spending priorities differ, so adjust the budget according to what matters most to you. For example, if you value eating out over shopping for new clothes, allocate more funds towards dining expenses.
  6. Factor in savings goals: Don’t forget to save! Set aside a portion of your income for saving and emergency expenses.

Adjusting for Personal Preferences

To accurately determine the cost of living in South Carolina based on your personal preferences, it’s important to consider factors such as lifestyle choices and individual needs. While there are average costs for categories like housing, utilities, and food, everyone’s circumstances are unique.

For example, you may choose to live in a more affordable neighborhood or opt for a larger home that fits your family size. Additionally, your food budget can be adjusted depending on whether you prefer cooking at home or dining out.

By taking into account these personal preferences when calculating expenses, you can get a clearer understanding of the true cost of living in South Carolina that aligns with your specific situation.

Affordability and Comfort in South Carolina

Living comfortably within a budget is possible in South Carolina, thanks to its relatively affordable cost of living. Find out more about how you can save money and enjoy your life in the Palmetto State.

Median Income

The median income in South Carolina is an important factor to consider when determining the affordability of living in the state. With a lower cost of living compared to the national average, South Carolina offers a reasonable median income for its residents.

In order to live comfortably within a budget, it is recommended that individuals or families have at least $36,337.60 per year. This allows for necessary expenses such as housing, utilities, food, transportation, and healthcare.

By earning this median income or higher, individuals can enjoy an affordable lifestyle in South Carolina while still meeting their financial needs.

Living comfortably within a budget

Living comfortably within a budget is entirely possible in South Carolina. With the overall cost of living 6% below the national average, it provides an affordable lifestyle for cost-conscious individuals and families.

Housing costs are particularly favorable, being 19% lower than the national average, making it easier to find affordable housing options. Additionally, South Carolina offers low grocery prices, which further helps in managing monthly expenses.

By taking advantage of these factors and adopting mindful spending habits, it is feasible to live comfortably within your means in South Carolina without sacrificing quality of life.

Tips for Saving Money

Saving money is important when considering the cost of living in South Carolina. Here are some tips to help you save:

  1. Create a budget: Start by tracking your expenses and creating a budget that includes all your necessary costs.
  2. Cook at home: Eating out can quickly add up, so try cooking meals at home to save money on food expenses.
  3. Use coupons and discounts: Look for coupons and discounts when shopping to stretch your dollar further.
  4. Comparison shop: Before making a purchase, compare prices at different stores or online to find the best deals.
  5. Consider carpooling or public transportation: Transportation costs can be reduced by carpooling with others or using public transportation.
  6. Save energy: Lower your utility bills by practicing energy-saving habits like turning off lights when not in use and using energy-efficient appliances.
  7. Shop secondhand: Consider buying used items instead of new ones to save money on clothing, furniture, and other household items.
  8. Take advantage of free activities: South Carolina offers many free outdoor activities and community events that can provide entertainment without breaking the bank.


In conclusion, living in South Carolina offers an attractive cost of living that is below the national average. With affordable housing and low grocery prices, individuals and families can comfortably budget for their expenses.

By carefully considering factors such as local economy and personal lifestyle choices, residents can calculate their specific costs to live in South Carolina and enjoy a comfortable and affordable life in this hospitable state.


1. What is the average cost of living in South Carolina?

The average cost of living in South Carolina includes expenses for housing, utilities, healthcare, and food which are often compared to the US average.

2. Is housing expensive in South Carolina?

Median home costs and housing expenses vary across different cities but there are affordable options available throughout South Carolina.

3. How does the cost of living in South Carolina compare to other states?

Using sites like Sperling’s Best Places can help compare living costs between South Carolina and other states or the national average.

4. What will my monthly food expenses be if I live in South Carolina?

Monthly food expenses depend on factors such as family size and diet preferences, but comparisons can provide an estimate for people considering a move  to this state.

5. Are healthcare costs high in South California?

Healthcare costs fluctuate based on factors like insurance coverage and personal health conditions; however, affordable healthcare options exist within this region.

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