What is the cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed?

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Are you grappling with the pain of an ingrown toenail and thinking about getting it removed? The topic of cost for such a procedure often raises many questions. This article is designed to provide clarity on pricing factors, insurance considerations, and different surgical options available for ingrown toenail removal.

With this information at hand, making your foot health decision will be a walk in the park!

Key Takeaways

  • Factors influencing the cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed include the type of treatment, location, doctor’s fees, insurance coverage, and the need for multiple toes or sides to be treated.
  • The average cost of ingrown toenail removal is around $192, including the office visit. However, prices can range from $190 to $192 for self-pay patients.
  • Different procedures have varying costs: Ingrown toenail file or kit ($14-$20), partial nail avulsion ($125-$590), full nail avulsion ($350-$500), and permanent correction surgery ($250 plus $50 per additional edge).
  • Uninsured patients can consider affordable options such as purchasing a file or kit for at-home treatment or exploring self-pay pricing options ranging from $190 to $192. Financial assistance or payment plans may also be available.

Understanding the Cost of Ingrown Toenail Removal

Factors such as the severity of the ingrown toenail, the type of procedure needed, and geographical location can all influence the cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed.

Factors influencing the cost

Several things change the cost of removing an ingrown toenail. Here is a list:

  1. The kind of treatment.
  2. The area you live in.
  3. The doctor doing the procedure.
  4. If you have insurance or not.
  5. If you need care for more than one toe.
  6. The amount charged for a doctor’s office visit.

Typical price range

The cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed can vary depending on the specific procedure and location. On average, the cost of ingrown toenail removal, including the office visit, is around $192.

This price may include both the consultation with a podiatrist and the actual removal procedure. However, it’s important to note that this is just an average price and costs can range from $190 to $192 for self-pay patients.

Keep in mind that there may be additional costs for multiple toes or sides that need treatment. It’s always best to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to get accurate pricing information based on your specific situation.

Variations in cost depending on the procedure

The cost of ingrown toenail removal can vary significantly depending on the type of procedure that is performed. Here’s a breakdown of the typical costs associated with various procedures:

Procedure Type Cost
Ingrown toenail file $14-$20
Ingrown toenail kit (includes file and nipper) About $20
Ingrown toenail surgery for removal of one side of two toes Around $590
Ingrown toenail surgery for removal of both sides of two toes Around $590
Permanent ingrown nail surgery (single side) Typically $250, plus an additional $50 for any additional edge
Professional podiatrist procedure About $125

Please note that these are average costs and actual prices may vary depending on your location and healthcare provider. For the most accurate pricing information, it is recommended to consult directly with a podiatrist or healthcare provider.

Types of Ingrown Toenail Removal Procedures

There are several types of ingrown toenail removal procedures, including partial nail avulsion, full nail avulsion, non-permanent correction, and permanent correction.

Partial Nail Avulsion

Partial Nail Avulsion, also known as partial nail plate removal, is a common procedure used to treat ingrown toenails. It involves removing a portion of the affected nail to relieve pain and prevent further infection.

The cost of Partial Nail Avulsion can vary depending on factors such as the location and severity of the ingrown toenail. On average, this procedure can range from $125 to $590, which may include the office visit fee.

Medicare may cover a portion of this cost for eligible patients. It’s important to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to get accurate pricing information and determine insurance coverage options for Partial Nail Avulsion.

Full Nail Avulsion

Full Nail Avulsion is a type of procedure used to treat an ingrown toenail. This procedure involves removing the entire nail from the toe. Full Nail Avulsion is usually recommended for severe cases where other treatments have not been successful.

The cost of this procedure can vary depending on factors such as location and insurance coverage. On average, the cost of Full Nail Avulsion, including the office visit, can range from around $190 to $192.

It is important to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to get accurate pricing information and determine if insurance will cover any portion of the cost.

Non-permanent correction

Non-permanent correction for an ingrown toenail is a less invasive option compared to surgery. This procedure involves lifting and removing the ingrown edge of the nail, providing temporary relief from pain and discomfort.

The cost of non-permanent correction can vary, but it is generally more affordable than surgical options. Self-pay pricing for this procedure can range from $190 to $192 on average.

It’s important to note that while non-permanent correction may provide short-term relief, it may not prevent future occurrences of ingrown toenails. Consulting with a podiatrist or healthcare provider will give you accurate pricing information and help determine if this type of treatment is suitable for your specific situation.

Permanent correction

Permanent correction is a long-term solution for ingrown toenails. This procedure involves removing the edge of the nail and applying a chemical to prevent regrowth. The cost of permanent correction is typically around $250, with an additional $50 for any extra edges that need to be treated.

This option may be more expensive than other treatments, but it offers lasting relief from ingrown toenails. It’s important to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to determine if this option is right for you and to get accurate pricing information based on your specific situation.

Costs of Ingrown Toenail Removal

The cost of ingrown toenail removal varies depending on the procedure, with prices typically ranging from $100 to $500.

Price range for different procedures

Ingrown toenail removal procedures can vary in price depending on the specific type of treatment. One common procedure is partial nail avulsion, which involves removing a portion of the ingrown toenail. The cost for this procedure usually ranges from $125 to $250. Another option is full nail avulsion, where the entire toenail is removed. This procedure typically costs between $350 and $500.

For those looking for non-permanent correction, there are options like using an ingrown toenail file or kit. The cost for these tools can range from around $14 to $20. On the other hand, if you’re seeking a permanent solution, permanent ingrown nail surgery may be necessary. This procedure generally costs about $250 with an additional charge of around $50 per additional edge.

It’s important to note that these price ranges can vary depending on your geographic location and insurance coverage. To get accurate pricing information and determine what your insurance will cover, it’s best to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider.

Additional costs for multiple toes or sides

If you have more than one ingrown toenail or if both sides of a toe are affected, there may be additional costs for the removal procedure. The average cost for removing both sides of two toes is around $590.

For permanent ingrown nail surgery, there’s typically an extra charge of $50 for each additional edge that needs to be treated. It’s important to keep these potential additional costs in mind when considering ingrown toenail removal.

Cost considerations for patients with insurance

Patients with insurance may have some cost considerations when it comes to getting an ingrown toenail removed. The specific cost can vary depending on factors such as the insurance plan, location, and type of procedure needed.

Medicare, for example, may cover a portion of the cost for ingrown toenail surgery, with patients typically responsible for paying 20% of the total cost. It is important for patients to consult with their healthcare provider or podiatrist to get accurate pricing information and determine what is covered by their insurance plan.

By understanding their coverage and discussing options with their provider, patients can make informed decisions about ingrown toenail removal while considering their budget.

Self-Pay Pricing Options

Affordable options are available for uninsured patients, including specific pricing for different procedures and potential financial assistance or payment plans.

Affordable options for uninsured patients

For uninsured patients, there are affordable options for getting an ingrown toenail removed. These options include:

  • Ingrown toenail file: A simple tool that can be purchased for around $14-$20 to help in gently filing down the nail and relieving pain.
  • Ingrown toenail kit: Available for about $20, this kit includes a toenail nipper and file, providing the necessary tools for at-home treatment.
  • Self-pay pricing: Some clinics offer self-pay pricing options specifically designed for uninsured patients. The cost for ingrown toenail removal can range from $190 to $192, including the office visit.
  • Financial assistance or payment plans: In certain cases, financial assistance or payment plans may be available to help uninsured patients manage the cost of ingrown toenail removal.

Pricing for specific procedures

The cost of ingrown toenail removal can vary depending on the specific procedure you choose. For partial nail avulsion, where only part of the nail is removed, it can cost around $590 for one side of two toes or both sides of two toes. If you opt for full nail avulsion, which involves removing the entire nail, the average cost is typically $192 including the office visit. Permanent correction surgery usually costs about $250, with an extra $50 for each additional edge. Self-pay pricing options range from $190 to $192 for ingrown toenail removal procedures. It’s important to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to get accurate pricing information and understand any insurance coverage you may have.

Availability of financial assistance or payment plans

If you’re worried about the cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed, there may be financial assistance or payment plans available to help. Some healthcare providers offer options for uninsured patients, such as discounted rates or flexible payment arrangements.

Additionally, certain clinics or podiatry offices may have programs in place to assist individuals with limited financial resources. It’s also worth checking if your insurance covers any portion of the procedure costs.

Remember to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider to explore these options and determine what is available to you based on your specific situation.

Conclusion: Finding Quality Care at an Affordable Price.

When it comes to the cost of getting an ingrown toenail removed, there are some important factors to consider. The price can vary depending on the procedure and location, but on average it can be around $192, including the office visit.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a podiatrist or healthcare provider for accurate pricing information and to explore options like self-pay pricing or insurance coverage. With some research and careful planning, you can find quality care at an affordable price for your ingrown toenail removal.


1. How much does it cost to get an ingrown toenail removed?

The cost of the surgery for removing an ingrown toenail can vary. It depends on whether you have insurance or not.

2. Will my insurance cover the cost of ingrown toenail removal?

Many times, having insurance can lower the price of your ingrown toenail treatment. You should check with your insurance company to be sure.

3. What is permanent toenail removal and how much does it cost?

Permanent toenail removal is when doctors take off the whole nail so it won’t grow back and cause more pain. The fees for this procedure can be higher than normal toe work.

4. Can I find a podiatrist near me for my ingrown toenail treatment?

Yes, there are many specialists who do this kind of work! They know how to give good care and will make sure your foot heals well.

5. Does selfpay pricing apply to wart removal and diabetic shoes as well?

Selfpay means you pay all costs out-of-pocket without using health coverage from an insurer, this applies across multiple procedures including wart elimination and purchasing special footwear like diabetic shoes.

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