How Much Does It Cost to Change Your Name In Michigan?

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  • In order to legally and officially have your name changed you need to acquire a court order which will cost you around $150 to $439 depending on the state you live in (Source)
  • In Michigan, a name change petition costs $175 (Source)
  • Additional fees include criminal background check ($43.25 plus fingerprinting fees), acquiring a court order ($10), and every requested certified copy ($10 per document) (Source)
  • The first thing to do is to get an updated Social Security Card. Without it, you cannot process a name change anywhere else and fortunately, this is free.

Filing for a name change can be complicated, lengthy, and costly. To assist you on that and to give you an idea of the approximate amount you would need to spend on the process, we have provided a breakdown of the steps and cost factors involved in name change specifically in Michigan.

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Cost Factors

Here are some cost factors to keep in mind when changing your name in Michigan.

Court Orders for Name Change

Different states require different sets of legal documents for a name change, and most of these places will cost you $25 for the filing, and $20 per document requested (Source). The good news though is that the forms needed for the filing process are mostly fee or can be bought cheaply at any local supply store. Common documents required are the Petition for Name Change, Affidavit of Name Change, and others.

When changing your name in Michigan, you first need to fill out the Michigan Petition to Change Name found on Michigan Courts website. The next step is to have a criminal background check, which can cost you around $43.25 plus extra fees for fingerprinting. Obtain a court order at a fee of $10 and another $10 is required per requested document, which is a necessity for processing other name changes. (Source)

Video Overview: How to Change Your Name in Michigan

Name Changing for All Important Documents

After receiving the court orders for a name change, the next step is to change your name in all your important documents. The cost will vary with the type of document.

Social Security Card

The first thing you need to change is your Social Security Card; otherwise, you cannot process anything else. Luckily, this is free.

The documents you will need to make this change include the following:

  • The SS-5 Form
  • Original document for a name change
  • Proof of Citizenship
  • Proof of Identity


Prioritize changing your passport name despite the absence of travel plans since this is vital for a name change.

The documents you will need will depend on which category you fit in:

Passport Correction ($110 passport book, plus $30 for the card). This applies when a name change was processed in the year you received your current passport.

To apply, mail in the following:

  • Form DS-5504
  • Current passport
  • Colored passport picture
  • Original document for the name change

Passport Renewal ($0) – passport issued in the last 15 years and in good condition

To apply, mail the following:

  • Form DS-82
  • Original document for the name change
  • Current passport
  • Colored passport photo

For a brand-new Passport, you will need $110 for a passport book, $30 for card, and $35 for additional fees.

To apply, bring the following:

  • Form DS-11
  • Proof of identity, a photocopy
  • Proof of citizenship, a photocopy
  • Colored passport picture
  • Original document for the name change

Driver’s License

Avoid unnecessary plight and change your name on your driver’s license next. Make sure that during this process, you make the necessary corrections on your registration and vehicle title in line with Michigan’s requirements.

Possible costs include $9 for a corrected license, $24 for an enhanced License, $10 for a corrected state ID Card, and $30 for an enhanced state ID Card. For this, you will need to visit a Secretary of State’s Office branch in Michigan and bring with you a recent valid ID and document of your name change.

Professional Help

If the entire process of name change is all too much for you especially when you have a loaded timetable, then it is best to hire a professional to assist you. With their help, all the needed forms will be completed in due time.

Basically, they will provide you with the necessary information you need to know, professional advice and will do all the hard work for you. There are a lot of professionals who provide this kind of service. Most of these services charge around $50 – $60.

Although there is no definite amount that we can give for the name change process, whether because of a divorce we hope that this breakdown of the steps you need to take and documents you need gives you insight into what to expect.

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