How Much Does it Cost to Plaster a Pool in 2023: Factors to Consider and Average Prices

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Is your pool starting to show signs of age, making you wonder about the cost of plastering? In 2023, the average price for replastering a pool ranges from $4 to $7 per square foot.

This blog will guide you through all the key factors affecting the cost and provide accurate averages to help in your decision-making process. Keep reading and be ready to dive into your newly refurbished sanctuary!

Key Takeaways

  • Factors that can affect the cost of plastering a pool include the size and type of pool, the material used for construction, the chosen finish, draining and refilling requirements, labor costs, and geographic location.
  • The cost of plastering can range from $4 to $7 per square foot on average in 2023.
  • Hiring a professional for pool plastering has several benefits including expertise, quality materials, time savings, cost efficiency, and safety assurance.

Factors Affecting Pool Plastering Cost

The cost of plastering a pool can be influenced by several factors, including the size and type of the pool, the material used for construction, the chosen finish, draining and refilling requirements, labor costs, and the geographic location.

Pool size and type

Different pool sizes and types significantly influence the overall plastering cost. Inground pools, for example, are often more expensive to replaster due to their larger size and complex shapes.

On average, it can range from $2,300 up to a whopping $5,600. Pools with irregular shapes or custom features like waterfalls may also require additional labor costs during plastering.

Furthermore, a small concrete swimming pool might demand a minimum expense of about $10,000 for replastering alone while an average 16 feet by 32 feet pool would likely fall anywhere between $3,072 to $5,376.

Knowing your specific pool’s dimensions and characteristics is therefore crucial in estimating potential plastering expenses.

Pool material

The material of your pool plays a significant role in determining the cost of plastering. Different materials require different types of plaster and surface preparation, which can impact the overall expense.

For example, plastering a concrete or gunite pool tends to be more expensive compared to plastering a fiberglass or vinyl pool. Concrete pools often need additional steps like acid washing or patching before applying the plaster, which increases labor and material costs.

On the other hand, fiberglass and vinyl pools may require less preparation work, resulting in lower overall expenses for resurfacing. It’s important to consider the material of your pool when estimating the cost of plastering to ensure you have an accurate budget in mind.

Type of finish

The type of finish you choose for your pool can have a significant impact on the cost. There are various options available, each with its own price range. For example, plaster finishes tend to be more affordable and popular among cost-conscious buyers.

On the other hand, premium finishes like pebble or quartz can be more expensive but offer enhanced durability and aesthetics. It’s essential to consider your budget and desired look when selecting the type of finish for your pool replastering project.

Draining and refilling

Draining and refilling your pool is an essential step in the plastering process. This ensures that the old plaster is completely removed, allowing for a smooth and even application of the new plaster surface.

While draining and refilling your pool does add to the overall cost of plastering, it is crucial for achieving long-lasting results. The average cost of draining and refilling a pool can range from $500 to $1,500 depending on factors such as pool size and water disposal fees.

It’s important to factor in this expense when budgeting for your pool plastering project to ensure that you have an accurate estimate of the total cost involved.

Labor costs

Labor costs are an important consideration when it comes to plastering your pool. On average, labor costs for pool replastering range from $2,000 to $4,000. The exact cost will depend on factors such as the size of your pool and the type of material used for the plaster.

It’s worth noting that professional labor is recommended for this task, as it requires specialized skills and knowledge. By hiring a professional, you can ensure that the job is done correctly and efficiently, saving you time and potential headaches in the long run.

Geographic location

The geographic location of your pool can have a significant impact on the cost of plastering. Prices can vary depending on where you are located, with certain regions generally having higher labor and material costs than others.

For example, if you live in a major metropolitan area or an affluent neighborhood, you may expect to pay more for pool resurfacing compared to more suburban or rural areas. Additionally, factors such as local climate and accessibility can also influence pricing.

It’s important to keep in mind that while location plays a role in determining costs, it shouldn’t be the sole factor in your decision-making process when it comes to pool plastering.

It’s worth noting that the average cost figures mentioned earlier are based on national averages and may not reflect the specific prices in your area. To get an accurate estimate for your project, it is recommended to contact local contractors or plaster specialists who have experience working within your geographic location.

They will be able to provide you with detailed information regarding pricing based on their expertise and knowledge of the local market conditions.

Average Prices for Pool Plastering

Plaster specialists offer a range of prices for pool resurfacing, depending on factors such as pool size, type, material, and finish; the average cost breakdown for pool resurfacing includes labor and materials expenses.

Range of prices from plaster specialists

Plastering your pool comes with a range of prices from plaster specialists. On average, the cost to replaster a pool in 2023 is between $4 and $7 per square foot. For an average-sized pool measuring 16 feet by 32 feet, you can expect the cost to range from $3,072 to $5,376.

When it comes to inground pools, including materials and labor, the average cost falls between $2,300 and $5,600. Keep in mind that these prices may vary depending on the size of your pool and your location.

So make sure to get quotes from multiple specialists before making a decision.

Cost breakdown for pool resurfacing

Pool resurfacing costs can vary depending on several factors. Here is a breakdown of the costs involved in pool resurfacing:

  1. Materials: The cost of materials will depend on the type of finish you choose for your pool. Options include plaster, fiberglass, and vinyl. Plaster typically costs around $5 to $7 per square foot, fiberglass can range from $8 to $12 per square foot, and vinyl averages around $4 to $8 per square foot.
  2. Labor: Hiring professionals to resurface your pool can be an additional cost. On average, labor costs for pool resurfacing can range from $3 to $5 per square foot.
  3. Draining and refilling: Before resurfacing your pool, it will need to be drained and refilled. The cost of water may vary depending on the size of your pool and local water rates.
  4. Additional repairs: If there are any underlying issues or damage that needs to be addressed before resurfacing, such as cracks or leaks, these repairs will add to the overall cost.

Resurfacing costs by pool type (fiberglass, concrete/gunite, vinyl)

Pool resurfacing costs can vary greatly based on the type of material your pool is made of. Here’s a breakdown of estimated costs for resurfacing fiberglass, concrete/gunite, and vinyl pools respectively.

Pool Type Average Cost
Fiberglass The expense of epoxy resurfacing can range anywhere from $1,500 to $15,000 or more, depending on the size and condition of the pool.
Concrete/Gunite Concrete or gunite pools are often the most expensive to resurface. The minimum cost to replaster a concrete swimming pool is around $10,000.
Vinyl In comparison, vinyl pools are generally the least expensive to resurface. However, exact costs can be variable and largely depend on the pool’s size and present condition.

While it’s crucial to consider these average costs, remember that actual prices may vary based on factors such as local labor costs and the quality of materials used. It’s always a good idea to get multiple quotes before making a decision.

Considering DIY vs Professional Plastering

Deciding between DIY plastering and hiring a professional can impact the overall cost and quality of pool resurfacing. Discover the pros and cons of each option and how to save money on your project.

Read more to make an informed decision for your pool’s future.

Pros and cons of DIY plastering

DIY plastering can be a cost-saving option for those on a tight budget. By doing the work yourself, you can potentially save money on labor costs. Additionally, some people enjoy the satisfaction of completing a project on their own. However, it’s important to consider the cons of DIY plastering as well. Plastering requires skill and experience to achieve a smooth and durable finish. Without proper knowledge and technique, there is a risk of mistakes that could lead to costly repairs in the future. It’s also worth noting that certain materials and techniques used in professional plastering may not be readily available or easily accessible for DIY projects. So, while DIY plastering has its benefits, it’s crucial to weigh these pros against the potential drawbacks before deciding whether it’s the right choice for you.

Benefits of hiring a professional

Hiring a professional for pool plastering comes with several benefits, including:

  1. Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to ensure that the pool plastering is done correctly and effectively.
  2. Quality Materials: Professionals use high-quality materials that are designed to last, ensuring the durability and longevity of your pool’s surface.
  3. Time Savings: Hiring a professional allows you to save time as they handle all aspects of the plastering process, from preparation to finishing touches.
  4. Cost Efficiency: While hiring a professional may seem more expensive upfront, it can actually save you money in the long run by avoiding costly mistakes or repairs down the line.
  5. Safety Assurance: Professionals prioritize safety and follow industry standards, reducing the risk of accidents or damage during the plastering process.

How to save money on pool resurfacing cost

Save money on pool resurfacing cost with these tips:

  1. Get multiple quotes from different pool resurfacing contractors to compare prices.
  2. Consider DIY options if you have the necessary skills and experience.
  3. Opt for a basic finish instead of more expensive decorative options.
  4. Choose materials that are cost – effective and durable.
  5. Plan the resurfacing during the off – season when contractors may offer discounts.
  6. Maintain your pool regularly to prevent major damage that could lead to costly repairs.
  7. Research and take advantage of any available rebates, incentives, or financing options.
  8. Ask about any warranties or guarantees offered by the contractor or manufacturer.
  9. Consider combining pool resurfacing with other renovations or upgrades to save on overall costs.

Signs Your Pool Needs Resurfacing and Maintenance Tips

Signs of pool surface damage include cracks, chips, rough texture, discoloration, and a decrease in water quality. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and balancing the chemicals, can help extend the lifespan of your pool’s plaster surface.

Signs of pool surface damage

Pool surface damage can be costly to repair, so it’s important to identify signs of damage early. Here are some indicators that your pool may need resurfacing:

  1. Cracks: Small cracks in the plaster can lead to larger issues if left unrepaired.
  2. Chipping: If you notice chips or flakes in the surface of your pool, it could be a sign of deterioration.
  3. Stains: Stubborn stains that don’t come off with regular cleaning may indicate a damaged surface.
  4. Rough texture: A rough or abrasive texture could mean that the plaster is wearing down.
  5. Fading color: If the color of your pool’s plaster has significantly faded, it may be time for a fresh coat.
  6. Leaks: Excessive water loss or consistent low water levels can be a sign that your pool is leaking through damaged plaster.
  7. Algae growth: Persistent algae growth on the walls or floor of your pool could indicate damage to the surface that allows algae to take hold.
  8. Unevenness: Uneven surfaces or bulges in the walls or floor of your pool may suggest underlying damage to the plaster.

Importance of regular pool maintenance

Regular pool maintenance is essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your pool’s plaster surface. By maintaining a regular cleaning and maintenance routine, you can prevent common issues such as staining, discoloration, and deterioration of the plaster.

Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to costly repairs or even the need to replaster your pool sooner than expected. With proper care, including testing and balancing the water chemistry, cleaning debris regularly, and inspecting for any signs of damage or wear, you can extend the lifespan of your pool’s plaster surface and enjoy a beautiful and functional swimming experience for years to come.

Tips for extending the lifespan of your pool’s plaster surface

  1. Keep the pool’s water balanced by regularly testing and adjusting the pH levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness.
  2. Use a pool cover when the pool is not in use to protect the plaster surface from UV rays and debris.
  3. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive tools that can damage the plaster. Instead, use gentle cleaners specifically designed for pool surfaces.
  4. Regularly brush the plaster surface to remove any algae or mineral deposits that can cause staining or etching.
  5. Maintain proper water circulation and filtration to prevent stagnant water and reduce the risk of algae growth.
  6. Monitor and maintain proper chlorine levels to prevent excessive chlorination, which can accelerate plaster deterioration.
  7. Schedule regular professional inspections and maintenance to identify any potential issues early on and address them promptly.
  8. Consider applying a sealant or protective coating on your pool’s plaster surface to enhance its durability and longevity.

By following these tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your pool’s plaster surface, reducing the need for frequent resurfacing and saving on maintenance costs in the long run.

FAQs about pool plaster repairs and resurfacing

  • How much does it cost to replaster a pool?
  • What factors can affect the cost of pool resurfacing?
  • Are there any DIY options for pool plaster repairs?
  • Is it necessary to completely drain the pool before resurfacing?
  • What are some signs that my pool needs to be resurfaced?
  • How long does a typical pool plaster job last?
  • Can I save money by hiring a professional for pool resurfacing?
  • Are there different types of finishes available for pool plastering?
  • How often should I maintain and clean my pool’s plaster surface?


In conclusion, when considering the cost of plastering a pool in 2023, it’s important to factor in several key elements. These include the size and type of your pool, the material used for plastering, the desired finish, labor costs, and your geographic location.

On average, you can expect to pay between $4 and $7 per square foot for pool replastering. Remember that proper maintenance and regular inspections can help extend the lifespan of your pool’s plaster surface and save you money in the long run.


1. What factors contribute to the cost of plastering a pool?

The cost to plaster a pool depends on several aspects, including surface preparation, inground pool resurfacing costs, and both labor and materials expenses.

2. How does the choice of plastering materials affect the overall price?

Different plastering materials have varying costs which directly influence the pool replastering or resurfacing prices. Higher quality materials generally come with higher costs but may increase durability.

3. Can I find out the average cost for replastering or resurfacing a swimming pool?

Yes! Average costs can be found by contacting local swimming pool plastering companies who can give quotes based on current market rates and other factors, such as labor and material costs.

4. Do finishes affect how long my new plaster will last?

Absolutely! Different types of finishes offer different levels of durability – this is why it’s crucial when considering your total renovation expenses to think about future maintenance costs too!

5. Will hiring contractors add significantly to my inground pool’s replastering cost?

The labor charge from skilled contractors forms part of your overall expenditure in any project – although they add up to your initial investment; their expertise ensures quality workmanship that saves you more money in potential repairs down the line.

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