How Much Does It Cost to Get a Well Dug: A Comprehensive Guide

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Digging a well can seem like an overwhelming task, especially when you start considering the associated costs. Statistics show that the average cost of drilling a new water well is approximately $3,750.

This comprehensive guide promises to unpack all your concerns by providing an in-depth breakdown of factors affecting well-drilling costs and ways to navigate them efficiently. Ready to dive into some money-saving advice? Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • The average cost of drilling a new water well is approximately $3,750.
  • Factors affecting the cost of well drilling include the depth of the well, location, local geology, distance to the property, and required permits.
  • Well components such as casing, pump, storage tank, seals and caps all contribute to the overall expense of getting a well dug.
  • Ongoing costs associated with owning a well include water testing, inspections, repairs and maintenance.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Well Drilling

The cost of well drilling can vary based on factors such as the depth of the well, location, local geology, distance to the property, and required permits.

Depth of the well

The depth of the well plays a crucial role in determining its overall drilling cost. Shallow wells, which are generally less than 50 feet deep, are usually less expensive to drill.

However, deeper wells that exceed 1000 feet can significantly increase the expenses. In general, costs fluctuate between $25 and $65 per foot for complete installation services including casing, pump and other necessary components.

Drilling down into harder rock layers necessitates more time and specialized equipment, subsequently increasing the charges. Although seemingly costly upfront, deeper wells often provide a more reliable water supply over time.


The location where you plan to drill a well can have a significant impact on the overall cost. Factors such as accessibility and the geological conditions of the area can influence the price.

For example, drilling a well in upstate New York may be more expensive compared to drilling one in Georgia due to differences in terrain and rock formations. Additionally, if your property is located far away from drilling equipment and supplies, transportation costs could also increase the overall expense of drilling a well.

Local geology

The local geology of an area can have a significant impact on the cost of drilling a well. Different types of soil and rock formations require different drilling techniques, which in turn affect the overall expenses.

For example, if the area has hard rock formations, it may require specialized equipment and methods to penetrate through them, leading to higher drilling costs. On the other hand, areas with soft clay or sandy soils may be easier and less expensive to drill into.

Therefore, when considering the cost of drilling a well, it is essential to take into account the specific geological conditions of your location.

Distance to property

The distance to your property is a crucial factor that can impact the cost of drilling a well. Contractors may charge additional fees for transportation and equipment if your property is located far from their base or if there are accessibility challenges.

The longer the distance, the higher the costs can be. It’s important to consider this when budgeting for your well drilling project, as it can contribute to the overall expenses involved in getting a well dug on your property.

Required permits

Obtaining the necessary permits is an essential step in the process of drilling a well. These permits ensure that your well installation meets local regulations and requirements. The cost of required permits can vary depending on your location and specific permit requirements.

It’s important to factor in these costs when budgeting for your well project, as they contribute to the overall expense of getting a well dug. Keep in mind that different areas may have different permitting processes and fees, so it’s best to check with your local authorities for accurate information on the cost of required permits for drilling a well.

Cost Breakdown of Well Components

The cost breakdown of well components includes the expenses for well casing, well pump, well storage tank, and well seals and caps.

Well casing

Well casing is an important component of a well system that helps to protect the water supply. It is a pipe that goes down into the well and provides stability and support. The cost of well casing can vary depending on factors such as the material used and the depth of the well.

On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $15 and $30 per foot for well casing installation. For example, if you have a 100-foot-deep well, you could expect to spend anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 just on casing alone.

It’s worth noting that deeper wells may require more expensive or specialized casings, which can drive up the overall cost. So when budgeting for your new well project, make sure to factor in the costs associated with installing proper casing to ensure the longevity and safety of your water supply system.

Well pump

The cost of a well pump can vary depending on the type and quality of the pump you choose. On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $800 and $2,500 for a well pump installation.

Factors such as the depth of the well and the water demand in your household can also affect the price. It’s important to consider both upfront costs and long-term maintenance when budgeting for a well pump.

Regular inspections, repairs, and potential replacements should be factored into your overall expenses for owning a well system.

Well storage tank

A well storage tank is an essential component of a well water system. It helps to store and regulate the supply of water from the well, ensuring that you have a constant and reliable source for your household needs.

The cost of a well storage tank can vary depending on factors such as its size, material, and brand. On average, you can expect to spend around $500 to $1,500 for a good quality storage tank.

It’s important to choose the right size based on your water usage requirements. Additionally, consider investing in a durable tank made from materials like fiberglass or stainless steel that will last longer and require less maintenance in the long run.

Well seals and caps

Well seals and caps are essential components of a well system that help to ensure the safety and integrity of your water supply. Well seals, also known as wellheads, are placed on top of the well casing to prevent contaminants from entering the well.

They provide a secure barrier between the outside environment and your drinking water source.

The cost of well seals can vary depending on factors such as the type of seal and materials used. On average, you can expect to pay between $50 and $300 for a quality well seal. Similarly, well caps are designed to fit securely over the seal, protecting it from damage caused by weather or debris.

The cost for a basic cap ranges from $10 to $30.

Investing in high-quality seals and caps is important for maintaining the long-term efficiency and safety of your well system. By protecting against potential contamination or damage, these components play a crucial role in ensuring clean and safe drinking water for your household.

Ongoing Costs of Owning a Well

Owning a well comes with ongoing costs such as water testing, inspections, repairs, and maintenance. Discover the full breakdown of these expenses to make an informed decision about owning a well.

Well water testing

Regular well water testing is an important ongoing cost of owning a well. It ensures that your water is safe to drink and use. The cost for this service can range from $100 to $300 per test, depending on the type of testing you require.

Basic tests typically check for bacteria, nitrates, and pH levels. Additional tests can be done for contaminants such as lead, arsenic, and pesticides. It is recommended to test your well at least once a year or more frequently if you notice any changes in taste, odor, or appearance of your water.

By regularly testing your well water, you can rest assured knowing that it meets the necessary safety standards for you and your family’s health.

Well inspections

Regular well inspections are an important part of owning a well and ensuring its functionality. These inspections help identify any potential issues or concerns with the well system, such as leaks, pump malfunctions, or water quality problems.

Well inspections can cost around $100 to $500 on average, depending on factors like location and the complexity of the inspection. By scheduling routine inspections, homeowners can catch any problems early on and avoid costly repairs down the line.

It is recommended to have a professional conduct these inspections to ensure accuracy and thoroughness.

Repairs and maintenance

To keep your well running smoothly and ensure a continuous supply of clean water, regular repairs and maintenance are essential. While there may be some costs associated with these tasks, they are necessary to prolong the lifespan of your well system.

Some common maintenance activities include routine inspections, testing the water quality, and cleaning or replacing filters. These measures help identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

In case repairs are needed, such as fixing a leak or replacing damaged components, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent more extensive damage and costly repairs down the line.

It is recommended that you hire a professional for well repairs and maintenance tasks unless you have experience in this field. Professionals have the necessary expertise and specialized tools required for effective troubleshooting and repair work.

Water treatment

Water treatment is an important ongoing cost associated with owning a well. It involves testing, inspecting, and treating the water to ensure its safety and quality. Regular well water testing is necessary to monitor for contaminants and make any necessary adjustments to treatment methods.

Inspections are also crucial to identify potential issues or repairs that may be needed. The cost of water treatment can vary depending on factors such as the type of treatment system required and any additional maintenance or repairs needed over time.

It’s essential to factor in these ongoing costs when considering the overall expenses of owning a well.

Considerations for DIY vs. Hiring a Professional

When deciding between DIY well drilling or hiring a professional, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits associated with each option.

DIY well drilling

DIY well drilling can be a more cost-effective option for those who are willing to take on the project themselves. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Equipment: Renting or buying the necessary equipment, such as a drilling rig and auger, can significantly impact the overall cost. Renting equipment may be more budget-friendly for a one-time project.
  2. Skills and Experience: DIY well drilling requires knowledge and experience in drilling techniques and geology. It’s important to consider whether you have the expertise to handle the project safely and effectively.
  3. Permits and Regulations: DIY well drilling may require obtaining permits and complying with local regulations. Researching these requirements beforehand is essential to avoid potential legal issues or fines.
  4. Time and Effort: Drilling a well can be a labor-intensive process that requires physical strength and endurance. Consider your availability, time constraints, and willingness to put in the effort before taking on DIY drilling.
  5. Risk of Mistakes: Mistakes during DIY well drilling can lead to costly repairs or even render the well unusable. Hiring a professional ensures expertise and reduces the risk of errors.

Benefits of hiring a professional

Hiring a professional for well drilling can offer numerous benefits:

  1. Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to handle all aspects of well drilling, including site assessment, equipment selection, and installation techniques.
  2. Time-saving: Professionals are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to complete the job efficiently, saving you time and effort.
  3. Compliance with regulations: Well drilling professionals are familiar with local regulations and permits required for drilling a well, ensuring that your project meets all legal requirements.
  4. Quality assurance: Hiring a professional ensures that your well is drilled to the highest industry standards, reducing the risk of future problems or costly repairs.
  5. Safety measures: Professionals prioritize safety during the drilling process, taking precautions to prevent accidents or damage to the environment.
  6. Warranty protection: Reputable professionals often provide warranties on their workmanship and equipment used, giving you peace of mind and protection against unforeseen issues.
  7. Access to additional services: Many well drilling companies offer additional services such as water testing, maintenance, and repair, providing a comprehensive solution for ongoing well care.


In conclusion, the cost of getting a well dug can vary depending on several factors. Factors such as the depth of the well, location, and local geology can affect the overall cost.

Additionally, ongoing costs for owning a well should also be taken into consideration. It is important to weigh both DIY options and hiring a professional when determining which route to take.

Ultimately, understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision about drilling a well that best fits your budget and needs.


1. What is the average cost to drill a well?

The average cost to drill a well can vary greatly, depending on factors such as depth and location, but it generally ranges from several thousand dollars upwards.

2. Does the cost to dig a well differ for shallow and deep wells?

Yes, the drilling prices often differ with shallow well drilling costs typically being lower than deep well drilling costs due to less work required.

3. How does the location affect water well drilling costs?

The cost of drilling a new well changes by location. For instance, expenses for digging wells could be different in upstate New York when compared to Georgia or Michigan.

4. What other charges are included in the overall water installation expense?

Apart from basic excavation fees, additional expenses might include things like pump installation costs and any necessary equipment or apparatus.

5. Does hiring different contractors impact the total amount I will pay for my water project?

Indeed! The choice of your contractor can make difference; various water-well-drilling companies and independent contractors may charge differently even if services provided are alike.

6. Are there other components that would add up into my budget besides initial construction prices?

Yes; setting up an integral septic system could impose extra charges on top of your primary spending intended only for installing your desired extractive structure.

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