How Much Does Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost Per Session?

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  • The average cost of a single session of full body laser hair removal is $389, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (Source)
  • Laser hair removal only works when the hair is actively growing, which is called the anagen phase of growth
  • It’s the only point of time when the follicle and hair are connected
  • Only 20% of body hair is actively growing at any point in time, which means that one session is only able to address 20% of hair at a time.
  • This is why you’ll need at least several sessions, spaced 6 weeks apart- so that the hair will reach the right phase of growth

If you’re considering full body laser hair removal, one of the first things you’re likely to wonder is how much it costs. The good news is that prices vary depending on the clinic and the treatment plan, but the average cost per session tends to be around $389.

Keep reading for more information about full body laser hair removal cost and what to expect from your treatment!

Cost Factors

There are a few factors that can affect the cost of full body laser hair removal, including:

– The number of sessions required: Most people will need at least six sessions for full body laser hair removal, although this can vary depending on your individual hair growth cycle.

– The size of the treatment area: Larger treatment areas (like the full body) will obviously cost more than smaller areas like the bikini line.

– The type of laser used: Some lasers are more effective for certain skin types than others, so your clinic may charge more for a specific type of laser.

– Your location: Prices for full body laser hair removal can vary depending on where you live, with larger cities typically having higher prices.

What to Expect from Treatment

When you go in for full body laser hair removal, the technician will first assess your skin type and hair color to determine which laser is best for you.

They’ll then shave the treatment area and apply a cooling gel before starting the laser. The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on your individual hair growth cycle, but most people will need at least six sessions for full body laser hair removal.

If you’re considering full body laser hair removal, be sure to do your research and find a reputable clinic in your area. Prices can vary depending on the clinic and the treatment plan, but the average cost per session is typically around $100. With full body laser hair removal, you can expect to see a significant reduction in hair growth after just a few sessions!

Most people will need at least six sessions for full body laser hair removal, although this can vary depending on your individual hair growth cycle.

How it works

Full body laser hair removal works by using a laser to target and destroy the hair follicle. The technician will first assess your skin type and hair color to determine which laser is best for you, and then they’ll shave the treatment area and apply a cooling gel.

The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on your individual hair growth cycle, but most people will need at least six sessions for full body laser hair removal. After just a few sessions, you can expect to see a significant reduction in hair growth!

If you’re considering full body laser hair removal, be sure to do your research and find a reputable clinic in your area. Prices can vary depending on the clinic.

Can you do it DIY?

You can find at-home laser hair removal devices, but we don’t recommend them. Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that should be performed by a trained professional. At-home devices are also often less effective than professional treatments, so you’re likely to end up spending more money in the long run if you go the DIY route.


In summary, full body laser hair removal cost per session can vary depending on the clinic, type of laser used, and your location. Most people will need at least six sessions for full body laser hair removal. With full body laser hair removal, you can expect to see a significant reduction in hair growth after just a few sessions!

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