How Much Does It Cost to Get Contacts? A Comprehensive Guide to Contact Lens Prices and Expenses

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Finding affordable and comfortable contact lenses can feel like a daunting task. Did you know that the annual cost of contacts can range from $250 to over $1,000? This guide will break down the various factors that affect these costs and provide practical tips on how to save money.

Ready to navigate the world of contact lens prices with clear vision?.

Key Takeaways

  • The cost of contact lenses can range from $250 to over $1,000 per year.
  • Factors that affect the cost include the type of lenses, how often they need to be replaced, the brand and quality, and any prescription requirements.
  • Additional expenses related to contacts include the cost of lens solutions, regular eye exams, and prescription updates.
  • Vision insurance may help offset some costs but coverage options vary.

Factors that Affect Contact Lens Costs

The cost of contact lenses is influenced by several factors, such as the type of lenses, how often they need to be replaced, the brand and quality, and any prescription requirements.

Types of contact lenses

There are many different types of contact lenses. Some are soft and others are hard. Each type has its own cost. Biofinity contact lenses, for instance, can run from $32.74 to $39.99 for a six-month supply.

Rigid gas permeable (RGP) contacts often have a higher price per lens than other types do. Then there’s the choice between daily disposables and monthly ones. Daily disposables may set you back anywhere from $35 to $70 per 90-count box.

On the other hand, monthly contacts in the lower price tier range between $35 and $45 per box each month.

Frequency of replacement

The frequency of replacing your contact lenses can impact the overall cost. Some types of contact lenses need to be replaced more frequently than others. For example, daily disposable contacts are meant to be thrown away after each use, so you’ll need a new pair every day.

Monthly and bi-weekly disposable lenses can last for a longer period before needing to be replaced. Remember that the more frequently you need to replace your contacts, the higher the cost will be over time.

So, it’s important to consider this when budgeting for your contact lens expenses.

On average, monthly disposables can cost between $35 and $45 per box, depending on the brand and type. Daily disposables typically range from $35 to $70 per 90-count box. It’s also worth noting that rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses tend to be more expensive compared to other types of contacts due to their durability and longer lifespan.

Brand and quality

The brand and quality of contact lenses can have a significant impact on the cost. High-end brands often offer better comfort, durability, and visual clarity, but they tend to be more expensive.

On the other hand, there are affordable options available that still provide good quality. It’s important to consider your budget and specific needs when choosing contact lenses. Don’t forget to factor in your personal preference and any recommendations from your eye care professional.

Prescription requirements

To buy contact lenses, you need a valid prescription from an eye doctor. The prescription includes important details such as your lens power, brand, and expiration date. You cannot simply buy contacts without a prescription because they are considered medical devices that require proper fitting and monitoring to ensure safe use.

Remember to schedule regular eye exams to keep your prescription up-to-date and ensure optimal vision correction. It’s also worth noting that the cost of contact lenses may vary depending on your specific prescription requirements.

Cost Comparison: Contact Lenses vs. Glasses

Investing in contact lenses can enhance your vision and lifestyle flexibility without the bulk of glasses. However, it’s essential to balance this with the cost, as contact lenses may be pricier. Uncover the best contact lens option for your budget and lifestyle by consulting with an eye care professional today.

Additional Expenses Related to Contact Lenses

Additional expenses related to contact lenses include the cost of contact lens solutions, regular eye exams, and updates to your prescription.

Contact lens solutions

Contact lens solutions are an additional expense you need to consider when calculating the cost of wearing contacts. These solutions are used to clean and disinfect your lenses. The price of contact lens solutions can vary depending on the brand and size of the bottle.

On average, a 12-ounce bottle can cost between $8 and $15. Keep in mind that you will need to regularly purchase these solutions as they are necessary for maintaining proper eye health and extending the life of your contacts.

Eye exams

Eye exams are an important part of maintaining healthy eyes and getting the right prescription for your contact lenses. The cost of an eye exam can vary depending on where you go and if you have insurance coverage.

On average, a comprehensive eye exam can cost around $50 to $150 without insurance. Some vision insurance plans may cover all or part of the cost of an eye exam, so it’s worth checking with your provider.

It’s recommended to have regular eye exams every one to two years, or as recommended by your optometrist, to ensure your contact lens prescription is up-to-date and to detect any potential eye conditions early on.

Prescription updates

Prescription updates are an important part of wearing contact lenses. It’s crucial to have regular eye exams, usually once a year, to update your prescription. The cost of these exams can vary depending on where you go and if you have vision insurance coverage.

On average, the cost of an eye exam for contact lenses can range from $50 to $200. Keep in mind that having an up-to-date prescription is necessary for ordering new contact lenses, so it’s important not to skip this step.

By staying on top of your prescription updates, you can ensure that your contacts fit properly and provide clear vision while also avoiding any potential complications or discomfort with your eyes.

Insurance Coverage for Contact Lenses

Understanding vision insurance can help offset the cost of contact lenses, but coverage options and limitations can vary.

Understanding vision insurance

Vision insurance can play a role in helping to cover the cost of contact lenses. The amount of coverage you receive will depend on your specific plan. Some plans may offer full or partial coverage for contact lenses, while others may not provide any coverage at all.

It’s important to understand what your vision insurance covers before purchasing contact lenses, as this can affect the overall cost. Factors like copayments, deductibles, and network providers may also impact how much you pay out-of-pocket for contact lenses with insurance.

Be sure to review your policy details and speak with your insurance provider to fully understand what is covered and what expenses you are responsible for when it comes to contact lens purchases.

Coverage options and limitations

  • Vision insurance coverage for contact lenses can vary depending on your specific plan.
  • Some insurance plans may cover a portion or all of the cost of contact lenses, while others may not provide any coverage.
  • It is important to review your insurance policy to understand what is covered and what limitations may apply.
  • Keep in mind that there may be restrictions on the type of contact lenses that are covered by your insurance plan.
  • Certain brands or specialized lenses may not be included in your coverage, resulting in additional out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Additionally, some insurance plans may require you to meet certain criteria or obtain pre – authorization for coverage of contact lenses.
  • If you have vision insurance, it is advisable to check with your provider to determine the extent of your coverage for contact lenses and any out-of-pocket costs you may incur.

Tips for Saving on Contact Lens Expenses

Save money on contact lens expenses by considering these tips:

  1. Purchase in bulk or order a year’s supply to get discounts.
  2. Compare prices from different retailers and online platforms.
  3. Take advantage of manufacturer rebates or promotions.
  4. Use generic contact lens solutions instead of expensive brand names.
  5. Consider switching to daily disposable lenses to save on cleaning solutions and reduce the risk of contamination.
  6. Check if your insurance plan covers contact lenses and take advantage of any available benefits.


In conclusion, the cost of contact lenses depends on various factors like the type and brand you choose, how often you replace them, and your prescription requirements. On average, a six-month supply of Biofinity Contact Lenses can cost between $32.74 and $39.99.

Remember to consider additional expenses like contact lens solutions and eye exams. Understanding your insurance coverage can also help with managing costs. By being informed and exploring different options, you can find ways to save on contact lens expenses.


1. How much does it cost to get contacts?

The average contact lens cost varies and includes the expense for contact lenses, eye exam, and possible insurance coverage for contacts.

2. What is a yearly contacts cost with insurance?

Yearly contact lens cost with insurance depends on your plan but can help lessen the prices of contact lenses alongside prescription expenses.

3. How many lenses come in a box of monthly contacts?

The number of lenses in a box of monthly contacts may differ by brand, this affects the total expense for contacts along with replacement needs throughout the year.

4. Can I buy contact lenses at Walmart?

Yes! Contact lens prices at Walmart are often affordable, making it easier to manage your daily or yearly contact lens costs without insurance.

5. Where can I find a guide to understanding my expenses for contacts?

A comprehensive guide to contact lens costs and prices will help explain all factors including replacement schedule, eye exams and potential savings from using insurance.

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